Widespread testing for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is crucial to fighting this pandemic.

In order to diagnose patients and prevent the further spread of COVID-19, it is essential to have widespread testing available for the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Medical professionals require accurate, sensitive, and highly selective tests to detect the presence of the coronavirus not only in those patients who are actively displaying symptoms of the disease, but also in people who could be asymptomatic carriers or are not yet displaying symptoms. This way, patients who require medical assistance can access treatment at earlier stages in the progression of the disease. Additionally, with contact tracing being an important method for tracking possible paths of community disease spreading, test kits must be easily accessible in large quantities. This will allow a greater number of potential carriers to be tested and help limit the further spread of infection. It is also necessary for communities with fewer testing sites to have increased access to testing so that the spread can be controlled in vulnerable populations. Constellation Medical is dedicated to helping limit the spread of COVID-19 and ending this pandemic by providing testing materials when and where they are needed.


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Constellation Medical LLC

377B Lear Road, Suite 160

Avon Lake, Ohio 44012

(216) 867-6700

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